"Ahh.. The log..."
Like the Hydra protecting the treasure, I was pleased to find my own personal force of Army Ants taking care not to let any interlopers wrongfully procure the booty;

I began singing the secret song and doing the secret dance, parting the beasts like a tiny, pissed off Red Sea and uncovered the stash, just as I'd left it;

Well, just as I'd left it aside from being covered by what I could only assume to be ant crap. I then adjourned to a sunny spot where I jumped around by myself;

It's activities such as this that ensure my vice-like grip on solid mid pack finishes all season long.
Dude is that Bud Lite? Poor form...
Of course it's not.
The Mayor only associates with Kings. Kings of Beer, that is....
Solid mid-pack....I like that. Sure sounds better than half/full half/empty. Seeing that my finishes are mid-pack at best....Do you mind if I use it too?
Use it in health. Just be sure to include a ©.
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