From local Supastar, Carlos.
Bike Monkey has published its second independent issue of Bike Monkey Magazine, Sonoma County's outlet for all things cycling related. This second issue features a cover story on ten years of grass-roots riding with Sonoma County's own Grasshopper Adventure Series, and a contributing article about SMART. It also displays some stunning imagery by local photographers and shares heartfelt stories including a moving fictional piece by writer Kevin Scott.
The publication hopes to become known as "the West-Coast rag for East-Coast folk," meaning that its goal is to share all that Sonoma County has to offer with the rest of the country and beyond. Locally produced, designed, managed and printed, Bike Monkey's dedication to remaining a grass-roots operation will surely keep it that way.
Subscribe today at, and get your free copies of issues 1 and 2 sent directly from Bike Monkey's humble downtown office space before your first issue even arrives!