Well, I made it out to Fruita for the Rabbit Valley MSC. It was a great time. Unfortunately, I got there too late to buy an annual license, so I could not race Cat 1. So, I bought a one day license
and raced Cat 2. It was sort of silly, since I won by eight minutes, but it was fun nevertheless.
The course was crazy fun, with tons of whoopdie-dooo's and sweet drops. It wound along the rim of a canyon for quite some time, and through a significant amount of BLM land. At one point, I rounded a corner to find a co with its calf in the middle of the fire road. It was a little freaky, because they were startled, but they eventually ambled off.
Didn't get any photos due to my rush, but here are a few from my ride the next day back in Colorado Springs. It has decided to continue snowing here, and I nearly froze both of my feet off today after plunging head-first into a creek.