Yesterday I got the opportunity to acknowledge the support that has been given to me as a member of the Soulcraft 'team' by the myriad of extraordinarily generous and thoughtful sponsors who make the day to day in the trenches so much more pleasurable.
Not that riding a bike, and for lack of a better term, acting as an ambassador for Soulcraft is hard work by any stretch..
Yet after I began thinking about the lengths that people have gone for my benefit- Sean and Ben for securing and maintaing the team contacts, not to mention Sean's efforts in building me a bike to begin with, I became befuddled.. Of course there are the previously mentioned sponsors- The companies who extend themselves to us so that we can do what it is we do.. To just say thank you doesn't cover it.
The more I think about it, the more grateful I become.
I'm not one with a false sense of entitlement... I guess I just can't quite wrap my mind around how lucky I am, so to Sean, Ben, Lainie, Yuri, Vanessa, and of course Steve, Mo Betta, and Matt, I want to offer my most humble thanks for letting me take part, and for taking care of me.
Finally, because I don't think a post is worth the paper it's not written on if there isn't a visual aide, here is a shot of the cast from the best television show ever, though I'd be lying if I said I remembered the guy with the blacked out glass lens.