...since I posted to the blog that I give others a hard time for not updating. But I'm the boss, and I can do that. A lot of water has flowe

d under the bridge since the Singlespeed Worlds in Napa. Last August. Yikes that's a long while. Time seemed to get away from me. Or maybe it was the sense that I should be building frames for people who had given me deposits instead of spending (or is it wasting?) time writing about what I did yesterday. I'm torn about this blogging deal, really. On the one hand, I want to give anyone interested in Soulcraft an open armed "welcome" into our world. On the other, I see many builders spending way more time writing about building frames than actually building. So I'll try to walk t

hat fine line and thankfully, this year, the Soulcraft team and I will be sharing this space so I won't have to post too much. The photos here are a sort of "catch up" of the last 7 months.

So what's new at Soulcraft? Well, Mitch Kline at
pixelEight Studios and I have been working on a major website update which will be taking place over the next couple months. Look for a monthly (instead of twice yearly)
wsletter. Make sure you sign up so you'll know when we do a team kit order, which will be soon. The 2009
team roster and sponsors are all set and it's going to be another great year. The Soulcraft family keeps growing.

In the shop, we're getting close to finishing our new singlespeed dropout, which has been in development for a couple years now. The new Dirtbomb cross bike

has been secretly making it's way to customers depsite any mention on our website (soo

n, we promise). I've been ri

ding mine exclusively for a couple months on all our local mountain trails and it's a delight. Amazing what a 45c tire can do. Starting now, all Soulcrafts will be painted by
Spectrum Powder Works in Colorado. The best in the biz for powder.
Finally, you will be able to get your name painted on the top tube and daisies on the downtube.

We will also be pushing complete bikes more than ever so keep your eyes peeled for new prices on that. There's plenty more to get us up to speed but that's all I can deal with for now.
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